Friday, April 12, 2013

Why I Love The Evil Dead (1981)

When I saw trailers for the new Evil Dead remake, my first thought was "Why? Why would anyone remake that movie when the original is such a beloved classic?" Well, to make money and to recreate a cult phenomenon with modern special effects and a much bigger budget. For the record, I have not seen the remake and I don't plan to, mainly because I'm afraid it won't have any of the following qualities that I love about the original:

***Some vague spoilers are mentioned here***

Sunday, January 13, 2013

The Greatest Short-Lived Shows (Redux)

There was a time when TV networks gave new shows 23 episodes to rake in viewers before deciding whether or not the show should be renewed for another season. Nowadays, networks can decide to cancel a show after only 3 episodes if they want, bringing perfectly good TV shows to an end before they even had a chance to begin. Here is an updated list of some promising shows that suffered untimely deaths.