Ready? Good.
I would give the film an 8 out of 10 rating for reasons that I will state below.
First, let me just say that like every other geek on the planet, I love Star Wars. I watched the original three movies when I was 6 years old and was completely enchanted by them. That being said, I don't remember a damn thing about the prequels that were made in the '90s and aughts. I saw them only once each at the theater and then never again (though I would give them a second chance if they didn't cost $20 each on Amazon Instant Video). I don't know what it was about them, but they didn't leave much of an impression on me. Which brings me to my first point:

Episode VII: The Force Awakens has all the charm that Episodes IV-VI had and Episodes I-III lacked. It is a very cute, family-friendly movie complete with naive heroes, an adorable new droid, and familiar characters returning. Add in a pretty good amount of humor and a very obvious, but wholesome, attraction between the main characters* and you get a film that could rival Dragonheart in its "feelgood" quality. There will be at least two more movies, and something tells me they will be darker than this one. But that doesn't mean they won't be charming as well. (Edit: I just found out that The Force Awakens is rated PG-13. I don't recall seeing or hearing anything in the film to warrant that rating. This is a PG movie if I've ever seen one.)

As a woman who grew up watching Star Wars, I obviously looked up to Princess Leia. She is super tough and snarky and was definitely not your typical damsel in distress. But she was practically the only female in the franchise until the prequels came along and introduced her mother. I am ecstatic that there are a decent number of female characters in The Force Awakens. We now have a female Jedi who kicks some serious ass, a female X-wing pilot, a female Stormtrooper captain, and a female space pirate who commands a lot of respect. And Leia is now a general. This female fan is very pleased. Just the other day, my 6-year-old little cousin told me that she didn't like Star Wars because it was for boys. I hope her parents take her to see this new movie, because I think it would change her mind.
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It's been 38 years; just admit that you shot first! |
And they certainly are characters.
It's nice to see the old crew returning. Han Solo, Chewie, Leia, C-3PO,
R2-D2, and Luke are all back for this film, and just seeing them was
enough to make me smile. (One question, though: Where's Lando? Billy Dee
Williams has been recording voices for Star Wars video games and TV
shows. It would seem like he'd be willing to reprise his role for
another movie. Maybe we'll see him in Episode VIII?)
In addition to the old characters, we've got several new ones:
In addition to the old characters, we've got several new ones:

Rey: I'm
tempted to add "Skywalker" to the end of her name. She has to be Luke's
daughter, right? She's too much like him not to be. But she's stronger
than he was at her age. In fact, she's kind of too strong. Rey's
use of the Force makes her practically invincible, which can kill the
excitement a bit since you feel like she's never truly in danger. The
movies can easily explain her super strength away by saying that she is
not only Luke's daughter but also Obi-Wan's granddaughter (which would
be AWESOME and is my current theory), but her character should have some
weaknesses just to make her more human.

Poe Dameron: He seems like he could be
an interesting character, but since the audience spends about half of
the movie thinking he's dead, he didn't get a lot of screen time. It
will be interesting to see his character fleshed out a bit more in the next
two films.

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Alas, poor Vader! I knew thee...not at all, really. |

Captain Phasma: She appears to be in charge of all the Stormtroopers, and brainwashes "reprograms" the ones who don't follow orders quite as enthusiastically as she would like them to. She is definitely vile, but we don't see her on screen enough to glean any more than that.
This Plot Seems Familiar...

There are theories that Disney just wanted to present a familiar story to draw fans of the original movies back into the franchise and also to show that they are departing from the style of the much loathed prequels. If that is true, I'm okay with that, even though I believe bringing back most of the old characters already took care of that. There is also a theory that history is repeating itself in the story line to show that new heroine Rey will be the one to succeed where Luke failed and put an end to the cycle of wars between the Republic and the Dark Side. I'd be okay with that too. But if these new movies are only meant to be semi-sequels/semi-remakes of the original three movies, I may be jumping ship. I feel that Episodes IV-VI have held up remarkably well over the years and do not need to be remade/rehashed/rebooted/whatever. Hell, they didn't even need to be remastered! (Why'd they do that, anyway?) So, if the next movie features Rey training in the swamps on a secluded moon with a muppet, my respect for these new films will plummet.

Yes, Han Solo is officially, canonically dead. I saw it coming, as did most people. Throughout that scene, I kept thinking, "Dude, do not trust your kid! Take the lightsaber before he changes his mind!" It's sad to say goodbye to such a familiar character, but the death scene itself was beautiful. The light in the background fading into dark as the sun was devoured by the new Death Star poetically represented the light fading inside of Ben as his dark side grew stronger and took control. It was great cinematography. And may I say that it takes balls to kill off a character who has been beloved by fans for 38 years. It was a turning point in the film. It sent the message that absolutely no one is safe, and that made things far more suspenseful than they were before.

know I sometimes space out during movies, so maybe this was answered
and I just missed it. But it seemed to me that the movie never really
clarified the state of the galaxy. The Empire fell, and then the First
Order formed from the remnants. But is the First Order the ruling
entity, or is the Republic in control again and the First Order is
trying to seize power from them? The fact that the Republic's fighters
are now called the "Resistance" makes it seem like the First Order rules,
but it's hard to tell. Hopefully, the scrolling
prologue of the next film will explain it.
Does Kylo Ren Know Rey?
I realize that Kylo Ren worships at the altar of Granddaddy Vader, so it's not unusual for him to choke people with the Force. But the way he choked one of his officers when told that a girl from Jakku ran off with one of his Stormtroopers and the droid that he was looking for gave the impression that he knew exactly which girl the officer was referring to. If Rey is Luke's daughter, that would make her Kylo Ren's cousin. Since he's several years older than her, he may remember her from childhood while she was much too young to retain any clear memory of him.
Whose Grave Is That?
I wish I could find a still shot of this scene because it would really help illustrate what I'm talking about. At the end of the movie, we see Luke standing in front of what looks to be a headstone. But whose headstone is it? If we're going off the assumption that Rey is Luke's daughter, then is that grave where Luke's wife is buried? I have so many questions, and waiting for the next movie to answer them feels like waiting an eternity.
That wraps up my analysis of The Force Awakens. I anxiously await Episode VIII because I'm hoping it takes the series in a more original direction (though, not so original that it ceases to feel like a Star Wars movie). I'll see you in 2017 for another review. Until then, go hang out in a cantina or something.
*I'm just happy that there is finally an interracial couple, especially since I originally thought that the Skywalkers were a multiracial family. I was 6 years old when I watched Episodes IV-VI. The whole time, I had been hearing James Earl Jones's voice and just assumed that he is the person I would see if Darth Vader ever took off his helmet. But at the end of Return of the Jedi, the helmet comes off and Darth Vader is revealed to be the whitest white guy the universe could ever produce. My reaction was something like this:
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